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How heritage buildings are the new frontier for Coworking

In recent years, the coworking trend has been on the rise, as entrepreneurs and freelancers increasingly seek collaborative and flexible workspaces. However, the trend of transforming heritage buildings into coworking spaces has been gaining traction as well. In this article, we will explore the perks of reclaiming a heritage building and turning it into a coworking space.

Heritage buildings are often rich in history and architectural beauty, and repurposing them into coworking spaces can create a unique and inspiring environment for workers. Here are some of the benefits of reclaiming a heritage building and transforming it into a coworking space:

  1. Unique and Inspiring Environment

Heritage buildings are often located in prime locations, such as downtown areas or historic districts, which can provide a unique and inspiring environment for coworkers. The historical and architectural features of the building can create a sense of creativity and inspiration for those working inside.

  1. Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Transforming a heritage building into a coworking space can help to preserve cultural heritage and contribute to the local community's sense of history and identity. It can also attract visitors to the area and contribute to the local economy.

  1. Sustainable Use of Existing Infrastructure

Repurposing a heritage building can be a more sustainable option than building a new structure. It allows for the use of existing infrastructure, such as electrical and plumbing systems, and can reduce the environmental impact of construction.

  1. Positive Impact on Local Economy

Reclaiming a heritage building and turning it into a coworking space can have a positive impact on the local economy. It can attract entrepreneurs, startups, and freelancers to the area, contributing to job creation and economic growth. Additionally, it can stimulate local businesses, such as cafes, restaurants, and shops.

  1. Amenities and Features

Many heritage buildings have unique features and amenities that can enhance the coworking experience. For example, some buildings may have high ceilings, large windows, and intricate architectural details that create a sense of grandeur and elegance. Additionally, some buildings may have outdoor spaces, such as courtyards or gardens, that can be used for events or outdoor coworking.

  1. Sense of Community

Reclaiming a heritage building and transforming it into a coworking space can create a sense of community among coworkers. It can provide opportunities for collaboration and networking, and foster a sense of belonging among members.

Repurposing a heritage building into a coworking space can provide a unique and inspiring environment for workers, contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage, promote sustainable use of infrastructure, stimulate the local economy, and create a sense of community. As more and more people seek flexible and collaborative workspaces, the trend of transforming heritage buildings into coworking spaces is likely to continue to grow.

How we at IDEASHACKS are designing and developing 'buildings with stories' is a prime example of sustainability meets functionality meets design. At The Unit powered by IDEASHACKS, in Faridabad, we repurposed a pro-carbon emissions factory building into a green building. In this building we leveraged machine ramps as walking ramps and duplex workspace zones where the ceilings were 24 feet to accommodate tall plastic mouldings machines in the past. Sustainability sits at the centre, as 50% of our power load is now through Solar and the building contributes to ground water replenishment. In addition to this site IDEASHACKS is up cycling two buildings into coworking spaces, namely, 10Gulmohar powered by IDEASHACKS in Gurugram and Aerohub powered by IDEASHACKS in Chandigarh.


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